
Reputation is how the world sees your brand, right now, with its history, its successes, and its failures.

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For many organisations, its reputation is everything, yet so often it receives little attention in term of preparing for issues or crisis.

Crisis can come in many forms - customer complaints, staff behaviour, business performance – these are all just part of the normal life-cycle of business. Leaders, and their teams, should be aligned and prepared to respond in times of need, in a predicable, informed and considered way.

Many leadership teams have never had to ‘navigate’ a crisis together, they may be a new group, or have new members, they may lack experience or just think “it will never happen to us!” 

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

–– Benjamin Franklin, 6th President of United States of America

In my world, the Reputation Dynamic is the constant interpretation of your brand in market.

When you have brand, you build brand equity.
When you have equity, there is risk.
When there is risk, there can be failure.
When there is failure, you must recover to some level.
and so the cycle (or dynamic) continues.

Reputation is the constant dynamic state, where TRUST sits at its core, and is either increased or diminished, directly impacting performance (and outcomes).

Good organisations actively consider their ‘Reputation Dynamic’ and manage it in its constant state.

It is in this space that I work with leaders and organisations to navigate the complex environments in which they operate.

The Reputation Dynamic

Reputation & brand are interconnected, where brand is a state within the dynamic motion of reputation.

Brand is clean, full of hope and promise, clear in its intention.

Reputation is how the world sees your brand, right now, with its history, its successes, and its failures.

Brand allows us to re-align purpose, whilst reputation is the engine that elevates us, or takes it away.

Reputation is in a constant state of motion, being built up and torn down by the narrative that fills the content void of the subconscious and conscious mind.

At the core of this is the most intangible of human emotions, trust

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Reputation - it doesn't cost you anything, until it costs you everything

Elevate your skillset

Reputation Masterclass

(ex GST)

Does your Leadership team have a common framework and language to discuss Reputational issues at an Executive level?

Contact Clinton
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Does your Leadership team have a common framework and language to discuss Reputational issues at an Executive level?

Are they aligned and are they building reputational rigour in their teams? Are they ready to respond when significant opportunities or issues arise?

Are they crisis-ready?

The Reputation Masterclass will elevate your Executive team to be ‘crisis-ready’. It will explore your real challenges and create a framework to navigate the most complex of environments.

It will build a collective approach, create alignment and activate a reputational language that will drive your reputational rigour and preparedness.


  • More aligned teams and organisations
  • Establish a common language and reputation framework
  • Crisis-ready individuals and team

Inspire your people

Keynote Series

(ex GST)

Who is responsible for ‘reputation’ in your organisation? What is your reputation worth to you?

Contact Clinton
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Who is responsible for ‘reputation’ in your organisation? What is your reputation worth to you?

How can you create a language and framework around your reputation, so that you can protect your greatest asset?

Building and defining your most important asset.

How to prepare for when the S#1T hits the fan

This keynote series will stimulate internal debate and conversation about the importance of creating rigour around reputation and reputational practices.

With over 3 decades advising leaders across business, politics and sport – Clinton details the framework for creating reputational rigour, allowing individuals and organisations to make the most of their opportunities and minimise any fallout through issues management.

These keynotes can be taken as separate events ($5,000 ex GST), or were designed to be presented as a learning series ($10,000 ex GST).


  • Collective learnings and insight
  • Motivated and aligned teams
  • Personal and professional development

Respond with confidence

The War Room - Trusted Advisor

(ex GST)

The first minutes, hours, then 72 hours… these are the most critical when managing crisis.

Contact Clinton
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The first minutes, hours, then 72 hours… these are the most critical when managing crisis.

The War Room is unfettered access to Clinton Bown in times of crisis, as your trusted advisor.

Whether it’s crisis-ready comms deployment, advisory in complex negotiations and response, stakeholder strategy or trench combat, Clinton is well positioned to support organisations in challenging times.

In crisis, you MUST always have a someone outside your camp. Someone you can trust.

This ensure decisions are challenged, not just applied in haste, and that all positions and outcomes are being considered, before actions are taken.

With over 3 decades experience helping navigate leaders through crisis, and deep connections through the media landscape, The War Room offers you the greatest opportunity to navigate your way through rocky and stormy seas.


  • Trusted Advisor in challenging times
  • Critical evaluation of process and message
  • Access to broad network & back channels

"It doesn't cost you anything, until it costsyou everything."

Why would you leave your greatest asset vulnerable or at risk?

Reputation can take a life-time to build and seconds to be torn apart.

It's astounding how many Leaders aren't actively involved in their own reputation strategy, and how so many individuals and organisations leave their reputation to mercy of external forces or simply to chance.

Personal and organisational brand building creates a strategic narrative that fosters Repetitional Capital, that can be your greatest asset when navigating issues.